We can count on a solid network of the Fabienne Colas Foundation’s affiliated Festivals to showcase our filmmakers and their films.
Montreal International Black Film Festival – MIBFF
Created in 2005, the Montreal International Black Film Festival (MIBFF) is currently the largest Canadian Film Festival entirely dedicated to black realities from all four corners of the world through films and more. www.montrealblackfilm.com
Toronto Black Film Festival – TBFF
Created in 2013, the Toronto Black Film Festival (TBFF) is Canada’s biggest celebration of Black History Month through films and so much more. www.TorontoBlackFilm.com
Halifax Black Film Festival – HBFF
Created in 2017, the Halifax Black Film Festival (HBFF) is Canada’s 3rd Black Film Festival. It celebrates African Heritage Month in Nova Scotia which holds Canada’s oldest Black population. www.HalifaxBlackFilm.com
Festival Fondu au Noir / Fade to Black – Montréal
Created in 2012, Fade to Black celebrates Black History Month through a multi-disciplinary Program. The Festival wants to encourage openness to diversity, raise awareness and promote intercultural understanding, through programs that provoke, educate and entertain. www.FonduAuNoir.ca
Salvador Black Film Festival
Created in 2019, The Salvador Black Film Festival (in Bahia, Brésil) is the first of its kind in the city that holds Brazil’s largest Black population. Founded by Zaza production in collaboration with Giros Filmes. www.SalvadorBlackFilm.com
Festival Haïti en Folie Montréal
Created in 2007, the Festival Haiti en Folie in Montreal (Haiti on Fire) is the largest multidisciplinary Festival outside of Haiti to be entirely dedicated to Haitian Culture. www.HaitiEnFolie.com
Festival Haïti en Folie Ville de New York
Created in 2016, the Festival Haiti en Folie in New York City aims to showcase and celebrate the best of Haitian culture through arts and so much more. www.HaitiEnFolie.com
Festival du Film Québécois en Haïti
Created in 2009, the Quebec Film Festival in Haiti wants to bring Quebec and Haiti closer culturally by presenting Haitians with the richness of Quebec cinema with free screenings and various panels and workshops. www.FestivalQuebecHaiti.com
Halifax Black Summer Festival
Created in 2019, the Halifax Black Summer Film Festival (HBSF) is a multi-disciplinary arts and music festival with events both indoor and outdoor. www.HalifaxBlackFilm.com